50% LESS COST, 100% MORE IMPACT: A New Era of Retirement Planning

Let’s face it—the retirement planning world has changed. The old rules? They no longer apply. Clients are living longer, spending more, and facing unpredictable markets. Things were different when pensions and social security covered the bulk of retirement expenses. But now things are different: market volatility can become a real problem with people trying to […]

Your Four Obligations under NAIC’s “Best Interest” Model Regulation

A man and woman are silhouetted looking out a window on a city scape.

Editorial Note: Please note that information in this blog is not meant to address all aspects of the Model Regulation, or any variations in individual state laws or regulations, and should not be considered legal advice. View additional resources, including an FAQ for the Best Interest Model Regulation on DMI’s My Back Office. In February […]