COUNTDOWN TO SUNSET: ‘A Crawl-In’ Estate Planning Strategy

Most discussions surrounding the sunset of the TCJA have focused on ultra-wealthy clients who have long been aware of their potential estate tax obligations. However, another group—those approaching the $20 million mark—will soon face this issue head-on for the first time come January 2026. For example, clients presently valued at $20 million could see their […]

Rescuing a Bank Loan from Rising Interest Rates

IUL AS A REFINANCING TOOL IN A RISING RATE ENVIRONMENT  With the cost of capital increasing dramatically as interest rates have risen, many commercial loans now have terms that are far less favorable, if not punitive. Fortunately, clients with life insurance assets have access to a “refinancing” strategy that can provide relief from higher rates […]


On April 23, 2024, The U.S. Department of Labor (“the DOL”) issued their latest changes to the definition of an ERISA Investment Advice Fiduciary (“Fiduciary”), and updated several Prohibited Transaction Exemptions (“PTEs”) including PTE 2020-02 and PTE 84-24. The insurance, broker-dealer, and investment adviser worlds often refer to these changes collectively as the “Fiduciary Rule” […]


Asset Allocation has been part of the investment professional’s asset management strategy for decades. More recently, a considerable amount of attention has been focused on a natural extension of that approach: Asset Location. KEY TAKEAWAYS Asset location is an investing strategy that has potential to lower your clients’ overall tax bill. There are taxable, tax-deferred, […]

Key Person Insurance: Lessons from Aaron Rodgers

If you’re a football fan, you likely remember the collective gasp when Aaron Rodgers of the Jets went down with a season-ending injury mere moments into the first game of the year. Beyond the disappointment for the team and its fans, this incident sheds light on a crucial aspect of business risk management: Key Person […]

Navigating Sequence of Returns Risk in the Retirement Red Zone

In the world of financial planning and retirement strategies, one topic that often takes center stage, especially when dealing with clients in the retirement red zone (the critical five years before and after retirement), is Sequence of Returns Risk. Understanding and effectively managing this risk is paramount to ensuring your clients’ financial security during their […]

Understanding Taxable Equivalent Yield

When it comes to investing, a key consideration is the yield (or return) expected on investments. It’s important to understand that not all yields are created equal, especially when taxes are involved.

The Role of Risk Premium in Financial Planning

In this blog, we’ll explore risk premium with a focus on Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs), using a case study to illustrate their importance in a diversified portfolio. Risk premium represents the extra return demanded by a planner when opting for a high-risk investment instead of a risk-free one.

RETIREMENT INCOME PLANNING: How the Rules of Investing Change

While Asset Allocation continues to serve long-term growth investors well, the approach was not designed to address the unique needs of the 21st-century retirement income investor.   When first introduced by economist Harry Markowitz as ‘Modern Portfolio Theory’ in 1952, the concept was so well received and quantitatively sound, Markowitz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics […]

5 Proven Lead Generation Strategies for Financial Advisors

As a financial professional, your success hinges on your ability to attract and convert potential clients into loyal, long-term partners. To achieve this, you need a robust lead generation strategy that not only brings in a consistent flow of prospects but also ensures that these leads are qualified and genuinely interested in your services. While […]