‘Tis the Season to Talk Life Insurance and Long-Term Care

Autumn ushers in the holiday season — a perfect opportunity to revisit important conversations about insurance reviews and long-term care (LTC). Regular policy reviews ensure that your clients’ financial strategies evolve alongside their lives. Reviews before the holidays give your clients time for more perspective. Either way, ensuring your clients are well-protected and on track to meet their long-term goals is vital.


1. Life Insurance Reviews: Regularly reviewing life insurance ensures coverage matches changing financial, health, and family dynamics.

2. Long-Term Care (LTC) Planning: As LTC costs rise, it’s crucial to include long-term care product solutions in clients’ financial strategies to protect assets and ensure care flexibility.

3. IRA to Life: Converting IRA funds into life insurance may help clients avoid tax liabilities and maximize wealth transfer to heirs.

4. Addressing Client Hesitations: Educate clients on the affordability and benefits of life insurance and LTC, emphasizing their importance in comprehensive financial planning.

5. Upcoming LTC Awareness Month: With Long-Term Care Awareness Month in November and the holiday season approaching, it’s the perfect time to initiate conversations about long-term care.

With rising healthcare costs and increasing life expectancy, adding a discussion about long-term care insurance to your life insurance reviews is a critical step. Let’s explore how both these tools are essential components of comprehensive financial planning.


A regular review of your clients’ life insurance policies is crucial because life changes—and so do coverage needs. You’ll want to help your clients ensure their policies still align with their current financial situation. Key reasons for conducting a review include:

Changes in Financial Status: Adjusting coverage to match new income levels, assets, or financial obligations.

Health Changes: Clients who have experienced health improvements may qualify for lower premiums, while those with health concerns may need additional coverage.

Family Dynamics: Life events such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child can significantly alter life insurance needs.

Policy Performance: For those with permanent life insurance, it’s important to review cash value growth and ensure policies are on track with current goals.

As life changes, so do financial needs. A regular review of life insurance ensures that coverage keeps up with evolving circumstances.” — Financial Planning Association (FPA)

These conversations can also help clients explore options like borrowing against cash-value policies or converting policies into a flexible financial tool for wealth transfer.


With people living longer, the chances of needing LTC increase significantly. Unfortunately, many clients may not be prepared for the costs associated with assisted living, nursing homes, or in-home care. Including long-term care as part of life insurance reviews can help clients plan for the unexpected and preserve their financial assets.

Long-term care insurance (LTCI) or hybrid policies can offer clients flexibility while providing protection against the high costs of care. Key points to highlight in these conversations include:

Protection of Assets: LTCI helps safeguard retirement savings from being drained by medical expenses, preserving your client’s financial legacy.

Customizable Coverage: Clients can select plans that meet their specific health and financial needs, from traditional standalone LTCI policies to life insurance policies with built-in long-term care riders.

Tax Benefits: Premiums for qualified LTCI policies may offer tax advantages, and the payouts for care are often tax-free, providing clients with more value from their policies.

The cost of long-term care is projected to continue rising, making it essential for individuals to prepare early. Without planning, these expenses can quickly deplete retirement savings.” — Genworth 2023 Cost of Care Survey

Integrate LTC into your clients’ overall financial strategy and help them prepare for every stage of life—especially the later years when medical costs tend to rise.


Another valuable conversation involves the strategic use of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) funds for life insurance. Many clients don’t realize that traditional IRAs are subject to required minimum distributions (RMDs) starting at age 73, which can create tax liabilities. By converting a portion of their IRA into a permanent life insurance policy, clients can:

– Provide a tax-free death benefit for their heirs.

– Avoid the taxable burden of RMDs on those funds.

Build cash value in a tax-advantaged vehicle.

For clients concerned about legacy planning, this option helps protect the value of their hard-earned retirement savings while offering the flexibility of using life insurance as a wealth-transfer tool.

Converting a portion of an IRA into a permanent life insurance policy allows clients to pay taxes now on a lower balance, freeing up the funds for more strategic, tax-efficient long-term planning, such as leaving a tax-free legacy for heirs.” — ThinkAdvisor


Some clients may still hesitate to discuss life insurance or long-term care due to misconceptions about cost or a lack of understanding. As part of a broader financial planning conversation, address these concerns by:

Educate clients on how affordable term life insurance can be, especially when compared to the financial burden of leaving loved ones unprotected.

Explain the benefits of permanent life insurance as both a protection and savings vehicle that grows tax-deferred.

Highlight case studies or success stories that demonstrate how life insurance can be a powerful financial tool, from ensuring mortgage payoff to funding future college costs.


Ultimately, life insurance and long-term care policies should be viewed as crucial pieces of a client’s overall financial puzzle. Discussing both in the context of estate planning, retirement income, and asset preservation broadens the conversation, helping clients see the long-term value.

For instance, life insurance can help offset estate taxes, and long-term care policies protect against the depletion of retirement savings. Clients who may not need life insurance for income replacement can still benefit from the wealth-transfer and tax advantages these policies provide.


Not only do these conversations benefit your clients, but they also allow you to expand your service offerings, make stronger relationships, and build bridges to the next generation of wealth. By including long-term care options in your discussions, you: 

Position Yourself as a Comprehensive Advisor: You show your clients that you’re thinking ahead about their long-term care needs and overall financial health.

Increase Business Opportunities: Offering solutions that integrate life insurance with long-term care, or recommending LTCi, opens up cross-selling opportunities.

Enhance Client Retention: Regular reviews build trust and demonstrate your commitment to their evolving needs, leading to stronger long-term relationships.


Although Life Insurance Awareness Month has passed, Long-Term Care Awareness Month is right around the corner in November. This presents the perfect opportunity to start preparing your clients for important conversations about LTC options as they plan for the future. With the holiday season approaching, many families will gather and discuss important life decisions—making this a great time to address the value of long-term care planning.

By combining a review of life insurance and long-term care needs, you can help your clients safeguard their financial well-being and ensure they’re prepared for life’s uncertainties. Initiating these discussions now will set the stage for thoughtful planning and comprehensive financial security throughout every stage of life.

One of the most common questions when helping clients is which long-term care insurance solution is the “best.”

A life insurance policy with an LTC rider or an asset-based LTC?

So, which do you choose?

Join us on 10/9 at noon, ET, as we dive into this topic and:

  • Breakdown the pros and cons of various LTC insurance options 
  • Provide clear examples of how different solutions accomplish very different objectives 


Joshua Rhem has over 15 years of experience in Insurance and Investment services, with experience as an RIA to financial institutions, an insurance producer, and wholesaler. Throughout his career Joshua has always been especially interested in making sure that insurance is viewed as a vital component of a well-constructed comprehensive financial plan. Understanding the obstacles that advisors face each day, Josh is eager to support them, and promptly responds to their needs. He enjoys helping advisors, brokers and agents grow their business with strategies to identify opportunities and helping to effectively position insurance products as meaningful solutions to their clients’ financial goals.

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